É interessante como este blog consegue captar a atenção dos leitores, além da escrita, os temas aqui abordados são interessantes e úteis e aprendemos sempre mais alguma coisa. O uso da fotografia também é de salientar pois existe um cuidado muito grande com a boa apresentação de cada artigo no blog. Este blog é por si só uma boa referência a seguir.
A Elise lançou em Maio um livro mas não é um livro qualquer é o Get to Work Book. Uma agenda em forma de planing para ajudar exactamente a gerir melhor o nosso negócio, as nossas tarefas, o nosso dia-a-dia. O Get to Work Book tem-se espalhado por todo o mundo e as encomendas não param.
Eu já tenho o meu, já ando em fase de testes para me organizar melhor e estou a preparar um review do livro para verem em pormenor como está feito.
Eu já tenho o meu, já ando em fase de testes para me organizar melhor e estou a preparar um review do livro para verem em pormenor como está feito.
Deixo aqui uma pequena entrevista que fiz à Elise e que tão prontamente respondeu com muita simpatia.
1. How did you get the idea for creating the book?
I was thinking about writing a goal setting book, but realised I would rather create something that helped people actually set goals vs. just talk about setting goals.
2. Since the concept idea till the final, who much time did it take?
I had the idea in late August 2014 and began shipping the books on May 18, 2015. So about 9 months!
3. Is the "Get to work book" spreading love all over the globe? Which was the most unexpected country that order the book?
I hope so!! Nothing crazy unexpected but I've shipped to 27 countries so far.
4. What is the social network that you use more? Is Instagram a good tool of advertising to you?
I use Instagram the most for sure. I really enjoy it both as an outlet and as a way to find new people and be inspired. It's the primary marketing tool for GET TO WORK BOOK for sure.
5. Whats is the most comum theme that your followers read or search in your blog?
great question! I think people come for various reasons. Some want recipes. Some want crafts. Some want home decor. Some want small business or goal setting. Some want to hear about my family life and daughter. I post about so many varied things and the only link is that I love them all.
6. San Diego - what not to miss?
we have such great restaurants and are actually known for our breweries! Here's a link to a small list of our favorite spots.
1. How did you get the idea for creating the book?
I was thinking about writing a goal setting book, but realised I would rather create something that helped people actually set goals vs. just talk about setting goals.
2. Since the concept idea till the final, who much time did it take?
I had the idea in late August 2014 and began shipping the books on May 18, 2015. So about 9 months!
3. Is the "Get to work book" spreading love all over the globe? Which was the most unexpected country that order the book?
I hope so!! Nothing crazy unexpected but I've shipped to 27 countries so far.
4. What is the social network that you use more? Is Instagram a good tool of advertising to you?
I use Instagram the most for sure. I really enjoy it both as an outlet and as a way to find new people and be inspired. It's the primary marketing tool for GET TO WORK BOOK for sure.
5. Whats is the most comum theme that your followers read or search in your blog?
great question! I think people come for various reasons. Some want recipes. Some want crafts. Some want home decor. Some want small business or goal setting. Some want to hear about my family life and daughter. I post about so many varied things and the only link is that I love them all.
6. San Diego - what not to miss?
we have such great restaurants and are actually known for our breweries! Here's a link to a small list of our favorite spots.
também sigo a elise há anos! mas não me entusiasmei muito com o get to work book, parece-me muito grande e pesado e sem muita novidade! mas aguardo o teu review!
ResponderEliminaro livro é grande sim, quase uma bíblia. Mas em contrapartida até tem bastante espaço para escrever e desenhar, o que me dá jeito. Vou tirar fotos e fazer o review para depois vermos melhor. Obrigada Sara :)
EliminarTambém gosto do blog dela. É simples e interessante. Pessoal sem ser demasiado íntimo. Gosto.
ResponderEliminarSobre o livro eu acho que precisamos de uma versão portuguesa mais light e mais 'ao desenrasca' objectivo e simples...acho que estamos à tua espera Filipa:D